5 research outputs found

    Legal Challenges and Market Rewards to the Use and Acceptance of Remote Sensing and Digital Information as Evidence

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    Bakgrund I den nutida forskningen Ă€r det essentiellt att företag tar hĂ€nsyn till medarbetarnas motivation sĂ„ att de gynnas av det arbetssĂ€tt som tillĂ€mpas. En arbetsmetod som blivit allt vanligare Ă€r konceptet Lean som ursprungligen kommer frĂ„n den japanska bilindustrin. Lean har idag utvecklats till ett allmĂ€ngiltigt koncept som tillĂ€mpas i flertalet branscher vĂ€rlden över. Trots att konceptet innebĂ€r flertalet positiva aspekter har det fĂ„tt utstĂ„ stark kritik nĂ€r det kommer till de mĂ€nskliga aspekterna och forskare har stĂ€llt sig frĂ„gan om Lean Ă€r "Mean". Kritiken hĂ€rleds frĂ€mst till medarbetares arbetsmiljö i form av stress och brist pĂ„ variation, sjĂ€lvbestĂ€mmande, hĂ€lsa och vĂ€lmĂ„ende. FĂ„ empiriska studier har dĂ€remot genomförts som undersöker konsekvenserna som Lean fĂ„r pĂ„ medarbetares upplevda motivation. Syfte VĂ„rt syfte Ă€r att undersöka och öka förstĂ„elsen för medarbetares upplevelser av motivationen i företag som tillĂ€mpar Lean. Vidare har studien för avsikt att utreda om det föreligger en paradox mellan Lean och vad som motiverar medarbetare pĂ„ en arbetsplats. Metod Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n en kvalitativ metod via intervjuer. För att göra en djupare undersökning och analysera hur vĂ„rt fenomen, motivation, upplevs i en kontext med Lean tillĂ€mpade vi SmĂ„-N-studier. Vi har Ă€ven haft en iterativ forskningsansats som förenat den deduktiva och induktiva ansatsen dĂ€r studien pendlat mellan teorier och empiriska observationer fram tills det slutgiltiga resultatet. Slutsatser Utefter medarbetarnas upplevelser har vi identifierat att det inte föreligger nĂ„gon paradox mellan Lean och motivation eftersom övervĂ€gande antal medarbetare upplevde att de Ă€r motiverade Ă€ven om företaget tillĂ€mpar Lean. Dock har studien kunnat urskilja bĂ„de stödjande och motverkande faktorer nĂ€r det kommer till medarbetarnas upplevda arbetsförhĂ„llanden som i sin tur inverkar pĂ„ motivationen. De motverkande faktorerna menar vi frĂ€mst beror pĂ„ att arbetsförhĂ„llandena i somliga fall innehĂ„ller höga prestationskrav, mĂ„lstyrning samt standardiseringar. Vidare upplevs motivationen överlag som mer positiv nĂ€r företagen anvĂ€nder en mjukare form av Lean dĂ€r samtliga medlemmars intressen beaktas.Background In modern research, it is essential that companies consider employees’ motivation so that they benefit from the applied practices. A working method that has become increasingly common is the concept Lean, which has its origin in the Japanese automotive industry. Today, Lean has evolved into a universal concept that is applied in many industries worldwide. Although the concept involves numerous positive aspects it has endured strong criticism when it comes to the human aspects and researchers have raised the question if Lean is "Mean". Criticism is derived primarily to employees’ working conditions in terms of stress and lack, variation, autonomy, health and wellbeing. However, few empirical studies have been carried out that examines the impact that Lean has on employees’ experienced motivation. Aim The aim is to increase the understanding of employees’ experienced motivation in companies that practice Lean. Further on the study has the intention to investigate if there is a paradox between Lean and what motivates employees on work. Methodology The study has been conducted through a qualitative method by interviews and to be able to do a deeper examination and analyze how our phenomenon, motivation, is experienced in a Lean context we applied small-N-studies. Our strategy has been iterative, combining both a deductive and inductive approach, where the study has varied between theories and empirical observations until the final result. Conclusions We have identified that there is no paradox between Lean and motivation since the majority of employees’ experienced that they are motivated even though the company practice Lean. Nevertheless the study shows that there are both supportive and counteractive factors when it comes to the employees’ experienced working conditions. The counteractive factors consists foremost of high performance standards, goal steering and standardizations, and have in some cases a negative influence on the working conditions. Furthermore the experienced motivation is more positive overall when the companies use a softer form of Lean where all the members’ interests are taken into account

    Parken som guldgruva?

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    Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur aktörer arbetar med besöksnĂ€ringen i en nationalpark – med utgĂ„ngspunkt i SöderĂ„sens nationalpark. Nationalparken Ă€r en av Sveriges mest besökta naturdestinationer med upp till 400 000 besökare Ă„rligen. BesöksnĂ€ringen vĂ€xer och miljöavtryck och belastning pĂ„ infrastruktur Ă€r inte av obetydlig pĂ„verkan. I denna studie undersöks hur aktörerna arbetar för att möta det ökade besökstrycket, samt hur de förhĂ„ller sig till nationalparken och till varandra. Studien anvĂ€nder kvalitativa metoder, och som underlag för uppsatsen ligger nio semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med företagare inom naturturism, tjĂ€nstepersoner inom Klippans och Svalövs kommun samt inom parkförvaltning och besökscentrat Naturum vilka bĂ„da ligger organisatoriskt under LĂ€nsstyrelsen SkĂ„ne. Som teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt anvĂ€ndes begreppen aktörssamverkan och strategi, hĂ€mtade ur det miljökommunikativa fĂ€ltet respektive organisationsteoretisk forskning. Studien visar att aktörerna inom besöksnĂ€ringen till stor del saknar utvecklade strategier för hur de vill arbeta med besöksnĂ€ringen, och att de strategier som finns formulerade saknar förankring hos alla aktörer. De intervjuade aktörerna uttryckte ambitioner om sektorsövergripande samverkan, men studien visar att samverkan i dagslĂ€get Ă€r marginell.This study aims to examine how local actors work with tourism in a national park – with examples from the national park of SöderĂ„sen. This is one of Sweden’s most visited nature attractions with up to 400 000 visitors yearly, and the tourism industry is growing. Also increasing is the environmental impact on the park and the demand for well-developed infrastructure to support the growth. This study explores how the actors work to face an increasing pressure of tourism and how they relate to the national park, as well as to each other. The study was carried out qualitatively with nine semi-structured interviews. The interviews were held with business owners within nature based tourism, officials from the Municipalities of Klippan and Svalöv, as well as officials from the park management and the visitor centre Naturum, both units within the County Board of SkĂ„ne. The theoretical concepts used for analysis are actor collaboration and strategy, from the fields of environmental communication and organisational theory. The study shows that the actors mostly lack developed strategies on how they want to develop the tourism within the park, and that the strategies formulated are not implemented and established among all actors. The study also revealed ambitions of crosssectorial actor collaboration, however, the existing forms of collaboration between the different actors are quite marginal

    Paradox between Lean and motivation? : An employee focused study of the experienced motivation in a Lean context

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    Bakgrund I den nutida forskningen Ă€r det essentiellt att företag tar hĂ€nsyn till medarbetarnas motivation sĂ„ att de gynnas av det arbetssĂ€tt som tillĂ€mpas. En arbetsmetod som blivit allt vanligare Ă€r konceptet Lean som ursprungligen kommer frĂ„n den japanska bilindustrin. Lean har idag utvecklats till ett allmĂ€ngiltigt koncept som tillĂ€mpas i flertalet branscher vĂ€rlden över. Trots att konceptet innebĂ€r flertalet positiva aspekter har det fĂ„tt utstĂ„ stark kritik nĂ€r det kommer till de mĂ€nskliga aspekterna och forskare har stĂ€llt sig frĂ„gan om Lean Ă€r "Mean". Kritiken hĂ€rleds frĂ€mst till medarbetares arbetsmiljö i form av stress och brist pĂ„ variation, sjĂ€lvbestĂ€mmande, hĂ€lsa och vĂ€lmĂ„ende. FĂ„ empiriska studier har dĂ€remot genomförts som undersöker konsekvenserna som Lean fĂ„r pĂ„ medarbetares upplevda motivation. Syfte VĂ„rt syfte Ă€r att undersöka och öka förstĂ„elsen för medarbetares upplevelser av motivationen i företag som tillĂ€mpar Lean. Vidare har studien för avsikt att utreda om det föreligger en paradox mellan Lean och vad som motiverar medarbetare pĂ„ en arbetsplats. Metod Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n en kvalitativ metod via intervjuer. För att göra en djupare undersökning och analysera hur vĂ„rt fenomen, motivation, upplevs i en kontext med Lean tillĂ€mpade vi SmĂ„-N-studier. Vi har Ă€ven haft en iterativ forskningsansats som förenat den deduktiva och induktiva ansatsen dĂ€r studien pendlat mellan teorier och empiriska observationer fram tills det slutgiltiga resultatet. Slutsatser Utefter medarbetarnas upplevelser har vi identifierat att det inte föreligger nĂ„gon paradox mellan Lean och motivation eftersom övervĂ€gande antal medarbetare upplevde att de Ă€r motiverade Ă€ven om företaget tillĂ€mpar Lean. Dock har studien kunnat urskilja bĂ„de stödjande och motverkande faktorer nĂ€r det kommer till medarbetarnas upplevda arbetsförhĂ„llanden som i sin tur inverkar pĂ„ motivationen. De motverkande faktorerna menar vi frĂ€mst beror pĂ„ att arbetsförhĂ„llandena i somliga fall innehĂ„ller höga prestationskrav, mĂ„lstyrning samt standardiseringar. Vidare upplevs motivationen överlag som mer positiv nĂ€r företagen anvĂ€nder en mjukare form av Lean dĂ€r samtliga medlemmars intressen beaktas.Background In modern research, it is essential that companies consider employees’ motivation so that they benefit from the applied practices. A working method that has become increasingly common is the concept Lean, which has its origin in the Japanese automotive industry. Today, Lean has evolved into a universal concept that is applied in many industries worldwide. Although the concept involves numerous positive aspects it has endured strong criticism when it comes to the human aspects and researchers have raised the question if Lean is "Mean". Criticism is derived primarily to employees’ working conditions in terms of stress and lack, variation, autonomy, health and wellbeing. However, few empirical studies have been carried out that examines the impact that Lean has on employees’ experienced motivation. Aim The aim is to increase the understanding of employees’ experienced motivation in companies that practice Lean. Further on the study has the intention to investigate if there is a paradox between Lean and what motivates employees on work. Methodology The study has been conducted through a qualitative method by interviews and to be able to do a deeper examination and analyze how our phenomenon, motivation, is experienced in a Lean context we applied small-N-studies. Our strategy has been iterative, combining both a deductive and inductive approach, where the study has varied between theories and empirical observations until the final result. Conclusions We have identified that there is no paradox between Lean and motivation since the majority of employees’ experienced that they are motivated even though the company practice Lean. Nevertheless the study shows that there are both supportive and counteractive factors when it comes to the employees’ experienced working conditions. The counteractive factors consists foremost of high performance standards, goal steering and standardizations, and have in some cases a negative influence on the working conditions. Furthermore the experienced motivation is more positive overall when the companies use a softer form of Lean where all the members’ interests are taken into account

    Sex pheromones and attractants in the Eucosmini and Grapholitini (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)

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    The geometric isomers (E,E)-, (E,Z)-, (Z,E)-, and (Z,Z)-8,10-dodecadien-1- yl acetate were identified as sex pheromone components or sex attractants in the tribes Eucosmini and Grapholitini of the tortricid subfamily Olethreutinae. Species belonging to the more ancestral Tortricinae were not attracted. Each one isomer was behaviourally active in males of Cydia and Grapholita (Grapholitini), either as main pheromone compound, attraction synergist or attraction inhibitor. Their reciprocal attractive/antagonistic activity in a number of species enables specific communication with these four compounds. Pammene, as well as other Grapholita and Cydia responded to the monoenic 8- or 10-dodecen-1-yl acetates. Of the tribes Olethreutini and Eucosmini, Hedya, Epiblema, Eucosma, and Notocelia trimaculana were also attracted to 8,10-dodecadien-1-yl acetates, but several other Notocelia to 10,12-tetradecadien-1-yl acetates. The female sex pheromones of C. fagiglandana, C. pyrivora, C. splendana, Epiblema foenella and Notocelia roborana were identified. (E,E)- and (E,Z)-8,10-dodecadien-1-yl acetate are produced via a common E9 desaturation pathway in C. splendana. Calling C. nigricana and C. fagiglandana females are attracted to wingfanning males